TCZ-Workgroup Yang-Family - AK Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Center * - TCZ-Forschung Yang-Familie

Qualitätsnormen im Bildungsbereich: TCZ-Korrektiv zu Yang Juns "Seattle-Mission" - Fakten-Finder und Empfehlungen

FAQ: International Association **, Traditional Yang Family Taijiquan, Prinzipien, Unterricht, Lineage, Ranking, Innere Kampfkunst


Yang Zhenduo


Kernbotschaften der "Seattle-Lehre" - Zitat-Belege und DTB-Empfehlung als Korrektiv

Laut Zitat-Fundus suggeriert die IA, . Dies ist so nicht richtig.

Laut Zitat-Fundus suggeriert die IA, . Dies ist so nicht richtig.


One is thus led to conclude that


Yang Zhenduo


Dieser von Yang Chengfu entwickelte Stil, der als "Großer Rahmen" bezeichnet wird, wird auch heute in der Yangfamilie als Standard geübt und unterrichtet.

 Die jetzigen Hauptvertreter des Yang Stils sind Großmeister Yang Zhenduo, der Sohn von Yang Chengfu, und sein Enkel, Meister Yang Jun. Ihr Taijiquan folgt präzise den Bewegungen und Positionen von Yang Chengfu ...





Master Yang Zhenduo is the 4th Generation of the Yang Family and internationally recognized bearer of its rich heritage. He was born in Beijing in 1926 and is the great grandson of Yang Lu Chan, the creator of Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan. His grandfather is Yang Jian Hou, second generation of the Yang Family. His father is Yang Chang Fu, the third generation of the Yang Family and one of the most famous martial artists of this century. The postures set forth by Yang Cheng Fu in his latter years are the standard that Master Yang Zhen Duo emulates in his teaching and strives to achieve in his own practice. He started studying with his father when very young and continued studying with his elder brother after his father passed away. Not only did he practice hard, but also he enjoyed researching and advancing his technique. He worked hard at understanding and advancing the theory of tai chi chuan. Being very approachable and caring, he has continuously treated those around him with kindness and respect. His patience is a reflection of his father's character. He possesses a great desire to pass on his ancestors' consummate skill and spends his time unselfishly sharing the benefits of tai chi chuan. In 1960 Master Yang Zhenduo moved to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Since then, Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan has gradually spread within Taiyuan and to other cities, provinces, and countries. Now, his students number in the tens of thousands in his home province and are spreading throughout the world at an ever-increasing rate. He has traveled to 8 different countries to share his charisma and his art. ... Master Yang Zhenduo has appeared on the covers of Tai Chi and other martial arts magazines at home and abroad. He has written 5 books on the study of Tai Chi and countless articles. He has produced 3 complete sets of videos instructing in the Yang Style system of Tai Chi. ... The Chinese WuShu Academy recognized Master Yang Zhenduo in 1996 as one of the top 100 WuShu Masters in China. He has also been honored by proclamations from the Mayors of San Antonio, Texas and Troy, Michigan.


Since 1980 he has served as Vice-President of the Shanxi Wushu Association. In 1982 Yang Zhenduo founded the Shanxi Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association, and has served as President since. The Association has now grown to over 30,000 members throughout the Province and is the largest martial arts organization of its kind in China. In October 1998 Yang Zhenduo founded the International Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association, serving as Chairman of the Board. Under his leadership, in just one year the International Association has grown to 18 centers in 9 countries with over 350 members.



Yang Zhenduo - described by Grandson Yang Jun - Fu Zhongwen bleibt unerwähnt

At the age of six, my grandfather /Yang Zhenuo/ began studying Tai Chi from his father /Yang Chengfu/, alongside his elder brothers, and from this early age established a firm foundation. Although he was only ten when his father passed away, under the guiding discipline of his mother (Yang Hou Zhuqing, died 1985), and along with his elder brothers, he persisted continuously in his practice. When he grew to adulthood my great grandmother handed down to him and his second elder brother (Yang Zhenji) the hand-written manuscripts of Tai Chi classics and personal notes left behind by my great grandfather Yang Chengfu, helping my grandfather to greatly improve his understanding of the art and its principles. Later, whenever my grandfather returned home to see his mother, he engaged in discussion and research and exchanged insights with his second brother (Yang Zhenji) and younger brother (Yang Zhenguo). Even my great grandmother, on observing my grandfathers Tai Chi form, said it was very like his father's. In the end, my grandfather's present attainments are the result of his seventy years of unremitting training.



The postures set forth by Yang Cheng Fu in his latter years are the standard that Master Yang Zhen Duo emulates in his teaching and strives to achieve in his own practice. He started studying with his father when very young and continued studying with his elder brother after his father passed away. Not only did he practice hard, but also he enjoyed researching and advancing his technique. He worked hard at understanding and advancing the theory of tai chi chuan. 










Yang Zhenduo über Familientradition


Von Yang Luchan bis zu meinem Vater hat sich der Yang-Stil entwickelt und das Erlernen ist leichter geworden.

Tai Chi Magazine Vo. 28, No 1, p. 44 DTB-Gründungsmitglied über Stammbaum der Yang Familie.


Yang Zhenduo über "Schnelle Formen" in seiner Familie

Es gibt keine schnelle Tai-Chi-Form in der Yang-Familie

Tai Chi Magazine Vo. 28, No 1 p. 46





Die Dauer der Form, die Geschwindigkeit kann variieren - sie kann individuell sein. Wichtig sind die zehn Prinzpien

Tai Chi Magazine Vo. 28, No 1 p. 46


Yang Zhenduo über seine Lehrer

Ich wurde unterrichtet von meinen älteren Brüdern Yang Shouchung und Yang Zhenji

Tai Chi Magazine Vo. 28, No 1 p. 47


Yang Zhenduo über Push-Hands/ Tuishou

Die chinesische Regierung hat eine lange Zeit Push Hands nicht gefördert.Erst jetzt auf internationalen Druck können sich Push Hands und Freikampf wieder etablieren. Wie ich es sehe, ist Push Hands sowohl in China als auch in den USA mehr wie Wrestling und Kraft gegen Kraft. Dies gilt für das  Push Hands ohne Schritte...Dass häufig Kraft gegen Kraft eingesetzt wird, liegt an den Regeln, die viele Aktionen einschränken. Diese müßte man ändern. Dann kann alles Gelernte und alle Prinzipien eingesetzt werden.

Tai Chi Magazine Vo. 28, No 1 p. 47






















In October 1998 Yang Zhenduo founded the International Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association, serving as Chairman of the Board. Under his leadership, in just one year the International Association has grown to 18 centers in 9 countries with over 350 members. The Chinese WuShu Academy recognized Master Yang Zhenduo in 1996 as one of the top 100 WuShu Masters in China












Yang Chengfu Center -  Zitate und Grafiken im DTB-Loginbereich auf der Hauptseite